Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Dear Friends,

Our website has been operational since 1998. You have been writing into us since then. We want to know more. This feature is being introduced to provide a board for you to express your feelings, your problems, your successes and failures. Please feel free to share your experiences with cancer here.

Shubha Maudgal


Unknown said...

I am pursueing Phd in Psychology. my topic is Efficacy of cognitive Behaviour theapy in cancer patients. I am posted at Barrackpore kolkata 120. I am keen to engage in social service to cancer patients imparting Psychoeducation on cancer to incl relaxation response cancer diet etc & counseling. my contact Number is 9432940. If any Org is keen t utlise my services, can contact me

Unknown said...

sorry my contact number is 9432940160